Our Curriculum Structure
Our curriculum is designed to ensure depth and breadth of learning is taking place throughout the school in all subject areas. Our school’s curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Planning for all learning in our school is rooted in the National Curriculum Programme of Study and the statutory end of key stage frameworks. However, we have chosen to use a number of curriculum schemes to ensure our children have access to a broad curriculum which expands their knowledge and skills beyond the minimum expectations and which gives them opportunities to develop a love of learning so that they 'flourish'. The curriculum resources we have chosen, support our teachers with the planning, delivery and assessment of our high quality, inspiring curriculum. This ensures that all of our teachers are delivering a consistently high standard of teaching which is progressional and rooted in sound pedagogy and up-to-date research.
We have carefully selected published schemes which use a spiral approach to learning based on the work of Bruner. The Spiral approach ensures that learning is revisited so that children are able to build on prior knowledge to ensure learning is retained.
Mars - Reception - Curriculum
Pluto - Year 1 - Curriculum
Accordion content
Earth - Year 2 - Curriculum
Accordion content
Neptune - Year 3 - Curriculum
Accordion content
Mercury - Year 4 - Curriculum
Accordion content
Saturn - Year 5 - Curriculum
Accordion content
Jupiter - Year 6 - Curriculum
Accordion content
Our Learning Environment
Our teachers create an environment that focuses on pupil's learning. The learning environment is a tool that children use to enable them to progress through our spiral curriculum. Children can see around them a reflection of their learning journey. Classrooms are designed to be accessible for all pupils. They intentionally focus on learning with scaffolded approaches displayed alongside modelled examples. At St Peter’s, reading is celebrated everywhere in our environment it is prioritised to allow pupils to access the full curriculum offer and we aim to embed a love of reading within all of our pupils.
Classrooms are designed to enable access to a range of books, vocabulary is displayed and language, across the curriculum, is celebrated. We recognise that within our school community we have children who speak a number of different languages. Our teachers make sure their own speaking, listening, writing and reading of English, supports pupils in developing language and vocabulary well. We have a focus on oracy aiming to develop language for all pupils. This enables them to communicate their ideas clearly and have full access to the curriculum.
Learning for all
Our curriculum is successfully adapted and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of pupils with SEN and/or disabilities, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence. For our pupils with SEND we do this by carefully monitoring progress and next steps, however small. We work closely with parents to discuss starting points and plan unique learning pathways. We recognise that for children to learn, they must have their basic needs met and feel at ease in the environment. We listen to our children and find out what helps them learn. Our SENCO works in partnership with class teachers and teaching assistants to ensure all our pupils study the full curriculum; it’s not narrowed and children are given the opportunity to succeed.
Assessment of Learning
Children have opportunities to revisit prior learning through ongoing assessment techniques. As a school we are engaged in the Embedding Formative Assessment project. We recognise that deep learning takes place when children are given the opportunity to revisit knowledge and therefore embed learning. Ongoing formative assessment is used to ensure children learn more and remember more. The sequenced curriculum ensures that children have the knowledge and skills they need to progress to the next stage of learning and the end points for each subject are outlined for each year group.
Impact of our Curriculum
At St Peter's, we have high expectations for teaching and learning and as a result there is high-quality work in books across the school. Our pupils read widely and often, with fluency, comprehension and enjoyment. They are able to apply mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures and are enthusiastic about investigating, using and applying their maths skills and knowledge. Our pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, as a result, achieve well - this is reflected in our pupils’ work, outcomes and how they talk about their learning experiences. We celebrate all of our children and their achievements. Pupils with SEND are well-supported and achieve the best possible outcomes including understanding of their emotional regulation and confidence in themselves. Our children enjoy being at school and develop a love of learning, they are enthusiastic, caring, empathetic and good citizens. As a result, our pupils are ready for the next stages of their education. We are extremely proud of all our children!
Please find more details of the school curriculum to the left of the page and how each subject will be covered in the next year including specific knowledge, skills and vocabulary for each year group. Please click on the links for more information for each subject. For more specific information on curriculum coverage for individual classes, please see each class' information letters on class pages.